Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sources :)

Melmed S, Kleinberg D. Pituitary masses and tumors. In: Kronenberg HM, Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 9.

Here Are Some People And Animals Affected By Gigantism

How To Find Out If You Have The Disease.

  • CT or MRI scan of the head showing pituitary tumor
  • Failure to suppress serum growth hormone (GH) levels after an oral glucose challenge (maximum 75g)
  • High prolactin levels
  • Increased insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels
Damage to the pituitary may lead to low levels of other hormones, including:
  • Cortisol
  • Estradiol (girls)
  • Testosterone (boys)
  • Thyroid hormone
In pituitary tumors with well-defined borders, surgery is the treatment of choice and can cure many cases.
For situations in which surgery cannot completely remove the tumor, medication is the treatment of choice. The most effective medications are somatostatin analogs (such as octreotide or long-acting lanreotide), which reduce growth hormone release.
Dopamine agonists (bromocriptine mesylate, cabergoline) have also been used to reduce growth hormone release, but these are generally less effective. Pegvisomant, a medication that blocks the effect of growth hormone, may be used.
Radiation therapy has also been used to bring growth hormone levels to normal. However, it can take 5 - 10 years for the full effects to be seen and this almost always leads to low levels of other pituitary hormones.
Radiation has also been linked to learning disabilities, obesity, and emotional changes in children. Most experts will use radiation only if surgery and medication fail.


What Gigantism Is And What It Does.

                 Gigantism is abnormally large growth due to an excess of growth hormone
 during childhood, before the bone growth plates have closed.If excess growth hormone occurs after normal bone growth has stopped, the condition is known as acromegaly. Gigantism is very rare.The child will grow in height, as well as in the muscles and organs. This excessive growth makes the child extremely large for his or her age.

Other symptoms include:
  • Delayed puberty
  • Double vision or difficulty with side (peripheral) vision
  • Frontal Bossing and a prominent jaw
  • Headache
  • Increased sweating
  • Irregular periods (menstruation)
  • Large hands and feet with thick fingers and toes
  • Release of breast milk
  • Thickening of the facial features
  • Weakness